Thursday, May 31, 2007
Back to the Basics
As the stock market soars, Barry Bonds keeps hitting homers, and Putin says he has a new rocket, ATC continues on as the world's most accurate predictor.
In the news: ATC favorite King James evened the series between the Cavs and the Pistons.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
ATC To Celebrate 10-0

Wednesday, May 23, 2007
ATC 10-0 Tonight?
In other news: Lincoln had smallpox (but really, how do they know?).
Also in other news: ATC did not predict who would get the #1 lottery pick in the NBA (Memphis had the best odds; Portland won) because that is a matter of chance and we specialize in absolutes.
While on the NBA, King James is down 1-0 and the Spurs are looking to KO the Utah Jazz (weird name for a Utah team for sure).
Presidential Stock Exchange: Reports of massive fighting between Romney and McCain (while Giuliani stays above the fray) knocks each of them down a quarter today...
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Madness Tuesday
PES Update: John McCain up $.75 on reports of stronger fundraising.
In the News: John Edwards' received $55,000 for a speech on poverty (he also recently built a six million dollar home)...
Monday, May 21, 2007
Romney With HUGE IA Lead
Fred Thompson Announcement
So, ATC Prediction: Fred Thompson Announcement for President before August 2007.
In other news: The Sopranos was quite violent last night - including a botched suicide by AJ. AJ also took time to predict that the U.S. will bomb Iran. Oh AJ.
On a personal note: This blogger will be hitting the beach for Memorial Day weekend (despite increasing gas prices to get there).
Sunday, May 20, 2007
ATC In Weekend Blowout
Stay tuned for Belmont predictions in three weeks.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
ATC Presidential Stock Exchange (PSE)
Updates to the PSE will be weekly (and more frequently as information warrants).
Rudy Giuliani (RUDY): $11
John McCain (MAC): $9
Mitt Romney (MITT): $9.25
Jim Gilmore (GIL): $2.50
Mike Huckabee (HUK): $5.50
Tom Tancredo (TT): $2.25
Tommy Thompson (TTOM): $2.50
Ron Paul (RON): $.55
Duncan Hunter (DHUN): $1.25
Hillary Clinton (HILL): $11
Barrack Obama (OBAM): $9.50
John Edwards (JED): $9.00
Joe Biden (JBID): $4
Chris Dodd (DODD): $3.5
Dennis Kucinich (DKUC): $1.25
Bill Richardson (RICH): $4
Mike Gravel (MG): $1
Prediction: Street Sense to Win Preakness

As promised, Advanced Targeting has applied its trademarked Highly Integrated Targeting System (HITS) to predict the winning field of the 132nd Preakness Stakes.
As many of you remember, HITS predicted Curlin to win the Kentucky Derby despite the fact that HITS predicted Street Sense as the "fastest horse." Curlin's loss at the Kentucky Derby dropped his total score enough to give the nod to Street Sense in today's Preakness Stakes. As a note, HITS refined its system a bit after the earlier Kentucky Derby analysis.
The following represents the HITS score top scores:
1) Street Sense/ HITS Points 181.5
2) Curlin/ HITS Points 179
3) Hard Spun/ HITS Points 175
In other news: King James and the Cavs defeated the NJ Nets last night - extending ATC's record to 8-0.
Friday, May 18, 2007
Friday Update
Alas, ATC is pleased to say that King James and the Cavs are set to put away the NJ Nets (Cavs shooting over 51% in the first half).
Correction: ATC mistakingly noted in an earlier post that the Nets are set to move to the Bronx. The truth is that the Nets will be moving instead to Brooklyn.
From the Inbox: ATC's inbox is full of varying perspectives from presidential contenders. Huckabee tells ATC that he won the debate Tuesday night in South Carolina. McCain tells me he is campaigning hard. Rudy tells ATC he has the "right leadership for America."
ATC will take the bombardment of email messaging into consideration as it is set to announce the Presidential Stock Exchange (PES) over the weekend.
Finally, Preakness tomorrow. Predictions underway now.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Spending Money Like Edwards...
It was a bloody affair at Tuesday's debate between Rudy and Ron Paul (Ron Paul at time of bed was winning the Fox News text in your winner vote-a-thon; GOP leader wants him banned from future debates due to 9/11 comments).
In the News: The New York Times reports that McCain and Romney are targeting one another...; minorities now make up 1/3 of all Americans.
Also in the News: King James lost last night, American Idol down to two.
Preakness predictions and Presidential Stock Exchange (PES) unveiled this weekend.
Stay tuned.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
South Cackalack Showdown
Likely #1 most used word in tonight's GOP debate: Falwell (Jerry Falwell died today).
Also in the News: Giuliani is now 100% pro-life.
Rant of the Day: Starbucks coffee (costs more than a gallon of gas - for now at least). Seems that Starbucks coffee is the most accessible, but not necessarily the best quality. Best ice coffee in town: McDonald's.
Coming soon: Presidential Stock Exchange (PSE); Preakness predictions.
The "WOW" Factor of 1 Billion
New York Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg is prepared to spend an unprecedented $1 billion of his own $5.5 billion personal fortune for a third-party presidential campaign, personal friends of the mayor tell The Washington Times.
Michael Toner of the FEC said: "Bloomberg is H. Ross Perot on steroids."
Flashback: Advanced Targeting reported earlier this month that a majority of Americans would like to see a third party challenger.
Madness Everywhere
Last night, the most watched NBA playoff series between the Suns and Spurs was tied up 2-2. Fans can only hope that the knock downs and hard fowls continue, giving way to XFL style NBA in the future (I have always thought basketball should allow more fouls).
In other news, King James and the Cavs look to bury the NJ Nets and that weird looking little man Jason Kidd. Advanced Targeting predicted that the Cavs would win the series against the much touted NJ Nets - King James is one game away from making this a reality.
Rasmussen polling reports that fans think Blake will be the next to go on American Idol. If Blake is the next to go Advanced Targeting will again be right - picking the final two contestants.
Stay tuned as Advanced Targeting rolls out the Highly Integrated Targeting System (HITS) for Preakness predictions this weekend (HITS will not leave out the 'fastest horse' from our top three this time).
Monday, May 14, 2007
Rudy: No to IA, NH, and SC
The main question is: Will it work?
Rudy's Gamble Defies History
By Peter Brown
Every four years some presidential candidate, but never the front-runner, tries to find a way around the early, smaller state primaries and caucuses. That decision is almost always a sign of a candidate's efforts to mitigate a potentially fatal flaw.
That is what former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani is doing with his reported decision to de-emphasize the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire and South Carolina primaries in his quest for the GOP nomination.
In Other News: King James and the Cavs fall to NJ (series now 2-1).
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Giuliani nominally leads Obama 45% to 44% when voters consider a general election match-up. In mid-April, Giuliani led by three points. The two had also been neck-and-neck in March.
Obama now holds a four-point lead over Republican Senator John McCain 46% to 42%. In April, Obama's lead over McCain was six points; prior to that, they were tied 44% to 44% for a couple months in a row.
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
In a suprise move (like an AI crossover), Vice-President Cheney is on the ground in Iraq meeting with top military brass and applying diplomatic pressure according to the New York Times:
As the world turns, times may be changing in beautiful Zimbabwe - "as President Robert G. Mugabe’s 27-year rule enters what many analysts call a terminal phase, the selfproclaimed democratic opposition is near its nadir."
In other news: King James and the Cleveland Cavaliers extend to 2-0 vs. the NJ Nets.
When The Fed Comes Knocking...

The Fed is due to announce its interest rate decision at 2:15 p.m. Eastern -- expectations in the market are that rates will be held at 5.25%. Fed officials are seen as likely to make only limited word changes to the policy statement issued at the end of the meeting, unwilling to create more confusion after the stir caused by the major changes in the March 21 statement
Tuesday, May 8, 2007

While ATC is not typically a huge NBA fan/predictor, this year's playoffs have been more exciting than usual (almost as exciting as Cisco posting a 34% profit increase today). It all started with the showdown between the Warriors and the Mavs (can't say that it was a bad thing for the Warriors to upset the 1st seed Mavs - everyone loves an underdog story) and the sweep of the reigning NBA champion Miami Heat by the Chicago Bulls (accurately predicted by ATC).
But back to King James (who was unfortunately not a part of Queen Elizabeth II's south lawn arrival or the dinner at the White House last night), the force behind a resurgent Cav team. It wasn't that long ago that it seemed professional sports in Cleveland were forever doomed to remain under .500. Things are looking up with King James on the court and Brady Quinn and co. stepping onto the football field this fall. This begs the question: Does Cleveland rock?
ATC answers this in the affirmative. Cleveland does rock. And ATC will go forth tonight with yet another bold prediction: Cleveland Cavaliers will defeat the New Jersey (soon to be Bronx) Nets.
There you have it. Two predictions in one day (see American Idol predictions).
Contact ATC
Clinton With Largest Lead

Speaking of American Idol, ATC believes this year's winner will be female and either be Jordin Sparks or Melinda Doolittle (four contestants remain). Stay tuned as ATC seeks to extend its record to 8-0.
In other news, Rasmussen reports that 58% of Americans would like to see a viable third party challenge in 2008. Microsoft confirms it has been in talks with Yahoo with hopes of boosting its search capabilities. And two must see movies to be released this spring/summer: The Bourne Ultimatum and Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (could be the final movie for both series, but unlikely).
Monday, May 7, 2007
Pomp and Circumstance
The president stumbled on a line in his speech Monday, saying that the queen had dined with 10 U.S. presidents and had helped the United States ``celebrate its bicentennial in 17. ...'' Bush caught himself and corrected the date to 1976. He paused as if to see if the queen had taken offense.
``She gave me a look that only a mother could give a child,'' the president said with a smile.
World's Most Innovative Companies
The Top Ten Include
1) Apple (#1 two years in a row)
2) Google (#2 two years in a row)
3) Toyota
4) GE
5) Microsoft (#5 two years in a row)
6) Proctor and Gamble
7) 3M
8) Walt Disney
9) IBM
10) Sony
And for the record, Wal-Mart ranked #11 worldwide for innovation.
Men More Positive Than Women...
"There is a gender gap in how Americans view the rest of the world and it is men who are more positive than women about foreign countries, especially Iraq, Israel and Saudi Arabia, according to a Quinnipiac University Global Thermometer survey released today."
Here Comes the Queen
In other news, my inbox is overloaded with special offers. If you need to fly, AirTran is offering a special. If you are looking for a new suit, Joseph A. Bank (who is always having a sale) is offering buy one get one free on all suits, etc. And some very nice guy from Nigeria asked for my bank account number and offered me $1,000,000 for my help.
Rudy Giuliani's campaign manager, Michael DuHaime also made it into my inbox (would have prefered an email from Rudy directly) with a campaign message and a request for me to make a contribution to the campaign. The email said:
"Rudy Giuliani has a remarkable ability to lead. He has a record unmatched in principle and results. He is ready to be President...right now. "
Sunday, May 6, 2007
"SARKO" Wins by 6 Pts
French voter turnout surpassed 85%.
Closer to home, Fred Thompson sounds off on what he thinks during a stop on the left coast in a speech entitled "Facing Our Challenges":
"A lot of Americans have these concerns tonight. They are concerned about the way things are going in our country right now. Some fear we may be in the first stages of decline. We've heard this malaise talk before."
HITS Weekend Results
Unfortunately, ATC did not have time to run the numbers for the Mayweather/De La Hoya fight (thought the fight was watched) - too bad because Floyd has chosen to retire after his split decision win last night, canceling any plans for running numbers in the future (that is unless he goes broke and comes back from retirement).
Back to the ATC results. The biggest win of the weekend is the accurate prediction of pro-American Nicolas Sarkozy winning the French presidency over Socialist Segolene Royal.
ATC's patented HITS 133 Kentucky Derby prediction results were mixed at best. ATC did accurately predict that Street Sense was/would be the fastest horse on Saturday. However, due to various other predictors, HITS gave the technical advantages to Curlin/Scat Daddy/ and Nobiz Like Shobiz. While Curlin did not win the 133 Kentucky Derby (largely due to congestion and a crowded field), he did manage to rally for third. HITS will release Preakness numbers ahead of that race. Curlin may still be the favorite
The final overall results from HITS analysis on races 1, 4-10, and 12 are as follows:
RACE 1: Pick, Ginger Punch, 1st
RACE 4: Pick, Next Adventure, 3rd
RACE 5: Pick, Ah Day, 2nd
RACE 6: Pick, Quite A Bride, 2nd
RACE 7: Pick, Appealing Zophie, 6th
RACE 8: Pick, Pussycat Doll, 2nd
RACE 9: Pick, Einstein, 7th
RACE 10: Pick, Curlin, 3rd
RACE 12: Pick, Beautiful Daniele, 2nd
9 TOTAL PICKS: 1, 1st Place, 4, 2nd Place, 2, 3rd Place.
TOTAL IN THE MONEY: 7 or accuracy 77% accuracy.
Saturday, May 5, 2007
FINAL: Kentucky Derby Predictions

Advanced Targeting Corporation Announces Final Kentucky Derby Predictions - PICKS "CURLIN" AS STATISTICAL #1
Arlington, VA - Advanced Targeting Corporation gives the top statistical nod to Arkansas Derby winner Curlin who has lately been a racing beast and is trained by the hottest trainer in the nation.
May 5, 2007/ Churchill Downs
The following predictions were compiled using ATC's Highly Integrated Targeting System (HITS). HITS was used last year to win back-to-back-to-back fantasy sports competitions. The HITS system has taken into account 10 levels of analysis to produce this year's Kentucky Derby results.
Race 10/ Grade 1 133 Kentucky Derby
1. Curlin/ Total Points: 197 - A stat monster/undefeated.
2. Scat Daddy/ Total Points: 189 - Doing everything right.
3. Nobiz Like Shobiz/ Total Points: 166 - Super strong.
The final pre-race odds for the Kentucky Derby will likely give the nod to Street Sense (HITS Total Points: 149). Street Sense is certainly the horse to fear for many reasons, not-the-least of which is the fact that HITS gives the nod to Street Sense for 'fastest horse.' However, due to a number of historical factors and the fact that Street Sense has a rather low earnings report for 2007, HITS has not included the horse in its top three projection.
UPDATE: Saturday Morning
Statistical Overall Best ALL Races (excluding the actual derby): EINSTEIN (HITS Total Points: 140.5) in the 9th
Friday, May 4, 2007
Late Arrivals?
Presidential Spin
From the Post-Debate Spin Room, Reagan Library, California:
“McCain looked like that guy down the street who yells at you to get off his lawn,” said one reporter.
Showdown in Reagan Land
Interesting Quote of the Night
QUESTION: Should we change our Constitution which we believe is divinely inspired -- (laughter) -- to allow men like Mel Martinez, the chairman of your party, born in Cuba, great patriot, senator from Florida, and Arnold Schwarzenegger to stand here some night?
Governor Romney.
MR. ROMNEY: Never given that a lot of thought, but with Arnold sitting there, I’ll give it some thought, but probably not.
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Sarkozy Victory in France
The analysis is based on ATC review of over 100 public opinion polls conducted since the beginning of the campaign. Additional weight was given to recent polling results of the last debate between conservative Nicolas Sarkozy and socialist rival Segolene Royal.
The post-debate poll (reported by Reuters) indicated that 53 percent of viewers found Sarkozy more believeable, compared with a paltry 31 percent for Royal.
Advanced Targeting Now On Leading Search Engines

Additionally, ATC has been added to Wikipedia under the page titled "Predictions." More to come as ATC continues to make bold, accurate predictions.
In Case You Missed It...
According to a poll released by Rasmussen Reports, American voters would not support a John Stewart run for the White House (would be nice to see how Stewart would match up against Steven Colbert, Jay Leno, and David Letterman though).
Poll: Jon Stewart in No Danger of Being Elected President
Monday, April 02, 2007
Eight percent (8%) of American voters would definitely vote for The Daily Show’s Jon Stewart if he was on the ballot in 2008. However, 38% would definitely vote against the comedian whose humor provides a scathing commentary on politics and politicians. A 2006 movie starring Robin Williams featured a Stewart-like comedian who ran for President on a lark and became President-elect when the vote-counting computer malfunctioned.
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Gallup Priority Poll

This is an interesting grouping of issues. This is not to be confused with the priorities of the American public (for the D.C. under 35 crowd that would be a different list altogether, read: flip cup, etc.).
American Priorities (and general info from the polling):
1. Iraq: The dominant policy issue.
2. Terrorism/National Security: Should be dealt with.
3. Economy: Lower my gas prices.
4. Energy: Nuclear power and alternative sources.
5. Illegal Immigration: Control the flow.
6. Healthcare: Need reform.
7. Education: Good teachers, good results.
8. Morality: Behave.
9. Fixing Government: Listen to the people.
10. Environment: More needed here.
McCain Leads in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina
For More on the Story:
The American Research Group Also Reports:
John McCain leads among Republicans and independents in Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina. Rudy Giuliani has lost ground among Republicans in Iowa and New Hampshire, with Mitt Romney gaining among Republicans in New Hampshire.
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
ATC To Predict Kentucky Derby Winners

Arlington, VA - Advanced Targeting Corporation (ATC) to release to the public predictive modeling analysis for the 2007 133 running of the Kentucky Derby.
ATC will conduct predictive modeling analysis for all races Saturday, May 5, 2007 at Churchill Downs for testing purposes. However, ATC results for the Kentucky Derby will be released for the featured race only at or before 9:00 AM on Saturday.
If you are interested in obtaining predictive modeling analysis for other Churchill Downs races please contact ATC directly.
ATC predicts outcomes of public events related to politics, sports, and other notable occurrences.
Advanced Targeting Corporation
Arlington, VA - After multiple wins in the predictive data modeling world, the Advanced Targeting Corporation (ATC) is going public with the introduction of this Blog in what is being called "MAY DAY 2007."
From fantasy football/basketball, to presidential politics, to horse racing, ATC continues to deliver the best data analysis in the nation. Through its unique Highly Integrated Targeting System (HITS), ATC delivers results across muliple variables. In the coming months, ATC will reveal a series of publications relevant to the outcome of public events.
Please stay tuned and thank you for your interest.